Science Technology & Security Forum


Protect Afghanistan, World from Taliban

Trump apparently does not care that his newfound friends are going to once again imprison women in their homes, cut throats, and establish a Wahhabi code of law.   President Donald Trump has overall been an effective leader of the US, despite unceasing pressure on him that concluded in the abortive bid to remove him …


COVID-19 Gives China Advantage over the US

WHO’s singular prescription, ‘Lock Down Now’, has ensured that Beijing’s principal rival is now in a much weakened state.   It would be illogical to claim that the Chinese leadership intentionally released the COVID-19 virus into the global community. The damage caused to economies on which Chinese companies rely on for their profits and for …

Young Voices

Suspense over Kim Jong Un may Soon End

During the just-concluded parliamentary elections in one of the world’s most dynamic economies, South Korea, the opposition parties sought to characterise the idealistic President Moon Jae-Inn as a puppet of the Supreme Commander of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. Their calculation was that South Korean voters would turn away from President Moon because of his …


Defence as Offence: India’s Struggle with COVID-19

There are multiple theories about how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic began; but what no one seems to know exactly is how it will end. An earlier coronavirus, SARS-CoV, had most of the victims developing severe symptoms and virus transmission happening after the onset of symptoms; and this helped in its containment. Traditional infection control measures …