The Chinese comment on the India-US ‘2+2 Dialogue’ and the signing of the last foundational agreement BECA (Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement) that the Sino-Indian border is a bilateral matter between India and China is the height of irony because it was China which generated US interest in the Himalayas and made India walk into …

The Information Society and the Transformation of Imagined Communities
In the 21st century, political borders appear to be blurred denting the Westphalian understanding of the concept ‘nation-states.’ With the increase in the internet communications, a new generation seems to be carving their own identities which are different from national identities. According to the report of wearesocial, nearly 1 million internet users have been found …

North East Industrial Policy: Secure the Development Paradigm
Development is a central factor of security. Indeed, one of the ways in which the security calculus of a nation can be ascertained is by ensuring all-round development in the crucial matrix and architecture. In the North Eastern context, the “dream of development” has more or less been one that has been confined to mere …

China-India Standoff: No Status Quo Ante and No LAC; Resolve the International Border
Addressing the 75th Session of UNGA on 22 September 2020, Xi says “We will never seek hegemony, expansion, or sphere of influence. We have no intention to fight either a Cold War or a Hot War with any country.” He further said that China would continue to narrow differences and resolve disputes with others through …

Indian Foreign Policy Imperatives of 2020
This column is based on a talk given by the author at the State Bank Institute of Leadership, Kolkata on ‘India’s Foreign Policy Imperatives in the Fast Changing World’. Ideally, the year 2020 should be erased from history. The devastation in terms of human lives, livelihoods, personal and economic security and productivity has been …

Countering India’s China Threat: The QUAD Option
Over the course of the last few decades, the unprecedented rise of China has become a matter of grave concern for great powers across the globe. China’s increasingly expansionist policies present a direct threat to India since it is a major Asian power in China’s immediate neighbourhood. Moreover, India has unresolved border dispute with China, …

The Five-Point Disagreement
The Ladakh Border with Tibet is tense where the Chinese had intruded in the Northern Bank of Pangong Tso and advanced far ahead in the plains of Depsang. The Depsang plains are strategically important for both India and China. To its west lies Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) and further north of it lies the Karakoram Pass …

Smart Policy by PM Modi will Frustrate PLA Designs on Border
The PRC needs a neutral India and this it hopes to achieve by showcasing that the costs of abandoning neutrality, which by definition includes continued reliance on Russia for defence needs, would be severe. Neither the top tier of the Chinese Communist Party (which elevated him in 2012 to the post of CCP …

On the India-China Chessboard
In the global game being played on a gigantic chessboard, the continuing game being played by India and China over many years has a significant place. But the game has been slow and without any results, often the two rivals forgetting their own stakes and working together to balance the others. But the Chinese moves …

Israel and Arab Countries both Gain from Better Ties
The GCC needs to reform its economic structure in order to link it with the knowledge economy and retrain young citizens of the GCC. Since taking over as Senior Advisor to the President of the United States, Jared Kushner built up a relationship of friendship and trust with several royals within the GCC, prominent …