Science Technology & Security Forum

Young Voices

Space Warfare and India

The threat of external aggression no longer continues to be the only source of destabilisation, collapse or degradation of a state system. Rather, in the post-Cold War period, political instability, legitimacy crisis and violent conflicts within a state has given rise to the concept of internal security (IS).

Young Voices

‘Natural and Indispensable Partners’: India and Japan in the Asia-Pacific

Within the canopy of a redefined “new great power relations”, primarily between the US and China, there appears to be a few obvious limitations to America’s strategic hedging against China in Asia. The limitations of America’s direct intervention in matters relating to China’s assertiveness in Asia came to the fore on two separate occasions in a matter of less than a month, towards the end of 2013.

Young Voices

Rethinking India’s Internal Security Challenges in the North East

Many intellectuals and scholars studying the Af-Pak region have talked about the multiple dimensions of this region. Numerous articles, books and monographs pertaining to this region are being published on a frequent basis across the globe. Also, a lot of aid in the form of money and weapons from many diplomatic missions has flooded Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. However, rather than arriving at a possible solution to the problem being faced by this region, the complexity of the issues has increased further.

Young Voices

Trends in ASEAN-India Relations: With a Focus on India’s Look East Policy

The Syrian conflict which began two years ago has taken many dramatic turns in recent months. The chemical attacks that claimed over a thousand deaths in the city of Ghouta, Syria in August 2013 shocked the world by horrific footages. President Obama decided to strike Syria even unilaterally after what was defined by White House as the Syrian regime crossing the ‘redline’, but decided to go ahead with the approval of the US  Congress. Russia, then came forward with a plan to bring Syria’s chemical weapons under international supervision and later to dismantle them.

Young Voices

“Rebalancing” Recoiled? : Asia’s Changing Security Paradigm

It is no secret that the Chinese government has been involved in cyber spying and cyber attacks over the past many years. China’s capabilities are only growing exponentially as it sees cyber warfare as a potent weapon in its armor. In 2012, after elaborate efforts by the US computer security firm Mandiant, it was established that the majority of cyber attacks on US corporations and government agencies are emanating out of a specific building on the outskirts of Shanghai.

Young Voices

The Changing Dynamics of Af-Pak Geopolitik

The recent claims made through declassified documents that Margaret Thatcher government of Britain may have helped former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi in flushing out the Sikh separatist leaders from the Golden Temple shrine during Operation Blue Star in 1984 has brought back the ghosts of the insurgent movement that had haunted India during the 1980s.

Young Voices

Stuxnet, Vulnerability of SCADA Systems and India

The 'Stuxnet' attack of 2010 on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility was a watershed moment in the evolution of cyber warfare. For the first time in history, a cyber-attack had resulted in real-world physical damage to a nation’s critical infrastructure. The attack was planned at a time when the US was running out of options with regard to constraining the growth of Iran's nuclear program.

Young Voices

Russia’s Role In The Syrian Civil War: Interests And Motivations

The growing dependence on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in every sphere of life has gained attention of violent non-state actors to exploit the vulnerabilities lying within computer networks. The threats have become sophisticated asnation states have begun getting involvedeither by sponsoring or supporting cyber attacks. There has been growing concern over China’s cyber capability which poses significant political and strategic implications for the security of critical infrastructure of India and the US.