Alternate reality seems to have infected Atlanticist media as much as it has officialdom in NATO capitals. Apart from those who live in a reality manufactured by themselves, it has been some time since the concept of war was expanded to include hybrid and unconventional warfare. Judged by this standard, which is far more …

White House Retreat to Cold War 1.0 Posture Causes Concern in Asia
The CCP leadership is calculating that assistance to Russia provided in the event of a kinetic conflict involving NATO would not result in any except token sanctions against China. The manner in which the White House has become obsessed with telegraphing its anxieties about an “imminent and unprovoked” invasion of Ukraine by Russia is …

Cyber Technological Paradigms and Threat Landscape in India
In an era of technological advancements, integration and interconnectedness, cyber threats are a growing cause for concern for State as well as non-State actors. It is considered to be among the amongst the greatest cause of concern in the current period. It is in this context that the book Cyber Technological Paradigms and Threat Landscape …

The Moreh-Tamu Crossing: A Bridge of Peril
Located just three hours away from the town of Imphal, the twin towns of Moreh and Tamu are one of the peculiar assets that the northeast possesses as a sign of its trans-boundary relationships with the population in Myanmar. Moreh, located on the Indian side, and Tamu, located on the Myanmar side of the India-Myanmar …

The Russo-Ukrainian Crisis: Decoding Russia’s Geostrategic Calculus
The swift annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 by Russia and ensuing insurgency in the Donetsk and Luhansk region forced Ukraine to intensify its troop deployments in the hope of taking back the rebel-held territories. However, the armed conflict between the Ukrainian military and rebels has turned into a stalemate. Since October 2021, Russia …

Growing China-Sri Lanka Ties: What does it hold for South Asia?
Sri Lanka today has become one of the pivotal points for the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). No surprise that Xi Jinping visited Sri Lanka in 2014, becoming the first Chinese leader since 1986 to visit the country. Beijing is hopeful that it can leverage its increasing closeness to Colombo to strengthen its foothold …

One Year of Biden’s Trade Policy towards China: An Assessment
On 20 January 2022, Joe Biden completed one year in the White House as the 46th and current President of the United States. From the moment Biden announced his candidacy for Presidency on 25 April 25 2019, one of the most speculated issues in the strategic community had been what would be his approach towards …

Houthi Drone Attack on the UAE: Implications for the Region
The recent drone attack on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) fuel depots by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels has caused escalation in the protracted conflict in Yemen and has underlined existing challenges in the region. The attack, which led to three casualties (two Indians and one Pakistani), marred the UAE’s image as a safe tourist cocoon …

Headwinds may Derail Xi’s China Dream
Xi is fashioning his expansionism through the Japanese method of kaizen. As much as what is being sought to be accomplished by him and the rest of the Communist Party of China (CCP), Xi Jinping is relying on the long-time propensity of the leaders of major democracies to make wrong strategic choices, and formulate …

Xi Exultant as Biden Goads Putin into Invading Ukraine
To Beijing’s relief, Washington is no longer focusing on the PRC as the principal threat to the US. The Biden White House has resurrected the Cold War 1.0 fixation on Russia (then the USSR) as the primary enemy of humanity and freedom. After much talk about continuing the Obama-era pivot to the Indo-Pacific from …