Science Technology & Security Forum

Himalayan Watch

As Nepal Looks to China, it is Time India Blends “Neighbourhood First” with Water Cooperation

In October 2019, right after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Mahabalipuram, India, the Chinese President Xi Jinping flew to Nepal and signed more than a dozen agreements on transport, connectivity, investment and infrastructure, including hydropower projects.   Nepal has seen increasing engagement with China over the years, especially since 2008 when Chinese investments in …


China Countering the US in the Arctic Ocean

Rising temperatures and other environmental changes in the Arctic such as thawing permafrost and melting sea ice and glaciers have enabled ships traversing from Chinese ports to European ones to use the shorter Northeast Passage Route (NSR). Yong Sheng, a COSCO ship, left Dalian port in China for Rotterdam in Europe via the Bering Strait …