Science Technology & Security Forum

Showing: 121 - 130 of 186 RESULTS

India’s Infrastructure Development Projects in Myanmar: Game Changer for the Region (Part 3 of 3)

In the last decade China has emerged as a formidable power in the space arena. After the success of the Anti-Satellite test (ASAT) in 2007 (where China destroyed its old satellite), Beijing established itself as a prominent space power and also showcased its capabilities to destroy satellites of other countries if the need arises. The ASAT test put China among a small list of countries that possessed the advanced space technological know-how.


Relevance of China’s Space Capabilities in its Soft Power Projection

China has been North Korea’s most important diplomatic ally as well as its largest trading partner. Beijing has also been the largest supplier of food, oil and other essentials to North Korea and has thus helped in the survival of the North Korean regime. Even though China has been supporting the regime as it has always feared the outcomes of a failed North Korea, Beijing has been unhappy with the North Korean nuclear ambitions; and thus under Xi Jinping China did agree to adhere to the United Nations sanctions, though reluctantly.


Trump Faces a Daunting Decision on Korea

It was in 2008, for the first time, that the then Defence Minister acknowledged the possibility of a two-front war simultaneously with China and Pakistan. He issued a circular, stating that the Armed Forces be prepared for a two-front war. The Armed Forces also considered the terrorist organisations based in Pakistan and those supported by China in our Northeast, as they would exacerbate the situation and create another half front, by disrupting logistics in the rear of combat zone.


Kim Jong Un Bets Trump is Bluffing on War (Part I of II)

If the notion of doctrine—in the discourse of state action—were to lend itself to holistic appraisal, then it would not emerge merely as a belief system that is established on the basis of authority. A state-sponsored doctrine comes to the fore when there is a correct understanding of the universe of discourse in which a state stations itself, its perception of threat to the discourse, which propels it to continued nationhood, and a clearly defined manner in which it seeks to both fortify itself and respond to threats.